Building Your Network! Networking Tips for Composers and Arrangers
As a composer or arranger, networking can often be an overlooked tool for growing your career! To help you on your networking journey, we’ve compiled a list of ideas and tips, whether you’re a beginner looking to expand your network or an experienced professional seeking new opportunities.
Interview with Emily Holt Crocker
We sit down with iconic choral arranger and composer Emily Holt Crocker to look back at her career and find out what keeps her busy today.
Tips for Overcoming a Creative Block
When writer’s block strikes, we have a few solutions to help you get back into your creative flow!
ArrangeMe-Published Titles To Be Performed at The 77th Midwest Clinic
Several titles which have been self-published through ArrangeMe are on the program at The Midwest Clinic.
Staccato Spotlight: Community Band Writers
We ask community band composers and arrangers about their experiences as musicians and as ArrangeMe members!
Staccato Spotlight: Gigging Chamber Musicians
In this edition of Staccato Spotlight, we highlight four arrangers who actively gig with their chamber ensembles.
Interview with Rob Dietz
Rob Dietz is an award-winning singer and vocal percussionist who has arranged and composed contemporary a cappella music for more than 20 years. We sat down with him to talk a cappella arranging, choral composition, and ArrangeMe.
The Self-Publisher’s Calendar
We’ve put together a general calendar of musicians’ buying patterns to help you prepare to meet their needs.
ArrangeMe-Published Titles To Be Performed at The 76th Midwest Clinic
Four ArrangeMe composers and arrangers will have their works performed at the prestigious Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic this December.
Interview with Laura Sullivan
GRAMMY award-winning pianist, composer, and arranger Laura Sullivan sits down with ArrangeMe to talk about her passions and process.
Guide to Rating Your Music: Where Range and Grade Level Intersect
We’ve put together a guide for composers and arrangers to help demystify music’s difficulty ratings.
Staccato Spotlight: ArrangeMe Music Educators
We asked music educators to tell us how they use ArrangeMe with their students. We received so many fantastic responses, we decided to feature music educators who represented a variety of disciplines in this month’s Staccato Spotlight!
Submission Opportunity: UIL Texas Prescribed Music List
ArrangeMe users are invited to submit large ensemble and solo works for the Texas Prescribed Music List.
Selling MP3s on ArrangeMe
You can now sell MP3 downloads of original and public domain music!
Staccato Spotlight: Stephen DeCesare
Top ArrangeMe user and prolific arranger/composer Stephen DeCesare shares about his arranging process and tips for finding success with ArrangeMe.
Interview with David Maddux
Interview with arranger, composer, personal website guru, and long-time ArrangeMe user, David Maddux.
Staccato Spotlight: James Michael Stevens
Highlights from top ArrangeMe user James Michael Stevens on his composition process, promotional approach, and finding success with ArrangeMe.