Building Your Network! Networking Tips for Composers and Arrangers
As a composer or arranger, networking can often be an overlooked tool for growing your career! To help you on your networking journey, we’ve compiled a list of ideas and tips, whether you’re a beginner looking to expand your network or an experienced professional seeking new opportunities.
Tips for Overcoming a Creative Block
When writer’s block strikes, we have a few solutions to help you get back into your creative flow!
Common Questions about Copyrighted Arrangements
We answer the most common questions about arrangements of copyrighted music.
Five Common Music Notation Mistakes to Avoid
As a self-publisher, avoiding common music notation mistakes is essential for clear communication and a polished final product for your customers.
Staccato Spotlight: Community Band Writers
We ask community band composers and arrangers about their experiences as musicians and as ArrangeMe members!
Creating Your Publisher Brand
As a sheet music self-publisher, it is beneficial to create a distinctive brand for your sheet music products. Creating a brand comes down to determining your identity as a publisher, and we’re here to help!
The Self-Editor’s Checklist
Whether you’re just starting out or you consider yourself a seasoned pro, editing is one of the most detail-oriented parts of the job. Check out this checklist based on industry-standard music editing best practices to help make the editing process a little easier!
The Importance of Demo Recordings
One of the best ways to turn a potential customer into a buyer is by offering them a demo recording of your arrangement or composition. We’ve got the tips for you!
The Self-Publisher’s Calendar
We’ve put together a general calendar of musicians’ buying patterns to help you prepare to meet their needs.
Guide to Rating Your Music: Where Range and Grade Level Intersect
We’ve put together a guide for composers and arrangers to help demystify music’s difficulty ratings.
Notating Syncopated Rhythms
Have you ever asked yourself, “Am I notating this rhythm properly?”