Introducing ArrangeMe Pro

ArrangeMe members are now invited to take the next step in sheet music self-publishing with ArrangeMe Pro!

The world’s leading sheet music self-publishing platform has jump-started careers for composers, songwriters, and arrangers, and has proven to be an impactful tool for hobbyists and industry veterans alike. With this account upgrade option, members can tap into greater visibility, additional earnings, and professional-level features to bring their self-publishing game to the next level.


ArrangeMe Pro Features

We are excited to offer ArrangeMe Pro members a variety of upgraded options from their ArrangeMe Basic account!

An extra 2% in commissions applies to every sale from the moment you upgrade to ArrangeMe Pro. That extra commission applies to sales of original compositions, copyrighted arrangements, and arrangements of public domain music, as well as MP3 audio, and any Noteflight Interactive charts published via ArrangeMe.

ArrangeMe Pro members also receive a free Noteflight Premium subscription, which allows members to publish interactive titles directly from Noteflight using the full suite of Noteflight's cloud-based notation editor tools and instruments. A Noteflight Premium subscription also includes access to over 80,000 Hal Leonard digital sheet music titles, which are a fantastic starting point for arrangements of copyrighted music!

Check out our FAQs for help connecting your new Noteflight Premium subscription to your ArrangeMe Pro account.

With ArrangeMe Pro, members get expanded distribution for their entire catalog through Hal Leonard’s InStore Digital Retailers. A network of more than 5,000 brick and mortar music shops across North America will be able to print your sheet music titles for customers to purchase on the spot! And with participating stores accepting purchase orders, your music will be accessible to music educators in a way that wasn’t possible before now. Plus, all InStore sales will appear on your sales report dashboard just like digital downloads!

With ArrangeMe Pro’s Bulk Editor, save time by updating key details for multiple tiles at once! Select as many titles as you desire and easily adjust arrangement type, pricing, genre, and difficulty level. This is a handy tool whenever you want to update your prices, make category adjustments, or if you realize you made an error when you originally uploaded certain titles. (It happens to the best of us!)


Example of a Publisher Profile Page at Sheet Music Direct.

Last but certainly not least, create brand recognition when you customize your Publisher Profile Page!

Upload a profile photo or logo, introduce yourself with a publisher bio, link to your personal website, and showcase your selected titles in the brand-new title carousels.

Display up to three carousels and highlight your best sellers, new releases, seasonal favorites, genre- or instrument-specific titles, and more. The carousels are entirely yours to create!

The Publisher Profile Page is a great alternative to setting up a personal website for your sheet music self-publishing efforts. It’s fully integrated into your ArrangeMe Pro account, so you can share one URL when marketing your music to promote your entire catalog!

By uploading a Title Image, you can replace the default ArrangeMe logo with your own own recognizable logo, or an image that helps channel the theme of your individual piece.

ArrangeMe Pro members have already reported how easy and fun it is to customize their own personal corner of Sheet Music Direct, and the Publisher Profile Page is a feature that will also appear on Sheet Music Plus very soon!


Join ArrangeMe Pro!

Unlock everything that ArrangeMe Pro has to offer for less than $7 a month* and take the next step in your self-publishing journey!

Already a Pro member and need some help? Visit our Help Center for answers to all the FAQs related to ArrangeMe Pro.

*(billed annually)

Arrange Me

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